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Rickmers Hotelbetriebs GmbH
Hotel Rickmers Insulaner
Am Südstrand 2
27498 Helgoland

Telephone +49 (4725) 8141-0


Proprietor: Detlev Rickmers
Commercial Register Pinneberg District HRB18219PI
VAT registration number: DE36 8260 566

We use photographs from Adobe Stock/Sl. Marina, Smilla Dankert, Stefan Groenveld, Heiner Orth, Lia Sáile, YPS, Lilo Tadday, Martin Linne, Brigitte Rauch, Ingo Wandmacher and Rickmers Verlag & Archiv on these internet pages, among others, and we would like to thank them for their kind permission to do so.

Virtual tour
360-PRO GmbH, Oliver Vosshage - thank you very much

Note on the European Commission platform for online dispute resolution and alternative dispute resolution bodies

The European Commission provides a platform for the alternative resolution of consumer disputes at

In addition, there is the option of conducting dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.

Rickmers Hotelbetriebs GmbH does not currently participate in these voluntary procedures for alternative dispute resolution. This notice is provided only for the legally required information. It is not currently available for use by customers.